Tuesday, February 22, 2011

character: Jeffery Vandez

Jeffery is one of Peter's original friends who left Stormvale with him. He was the middle child of seven and twin to Sarah Vandez. Jeffery figured he would always be a farmer. He loved playing with Peter and Olaf so when they went east, so did he. He returned a changed man who married his sweetheart after he was made Lord of Vandez.

Jeffery was human and seventy one when he died. He was six foot tall, two hundred pounds and of average size and structure. His face was slightly round, with a strong jaw and slight cheekbones. He was very tan because he loved the outdoors and hard work. His eyes were brown, round and always bright. His brown hair was always cut shaped like a bowl and his hair bounced when he walked. It grayed when he was older but he never went bald.

Jeffery liked to wear black breeches, slightly over sized brown tunics, and hand tooled leather belts. His boots were always unlaced and in desperate need of repair (even when he was a Leader).

Jeffery was open and honest when he spoke because he was so used to being bullied by his sisters. He shrugged a lot when he talked. He was friendly, open, always willing to lend a hand. When he was Leader he was known to build barns for farmers nearby the manor. He was always quick to anger if a woman was in danger.

A good way to use him in your campaign if you are playing right after Peter becomes High King is to perhaps have him helping someone build a barn. This way he can judge the parties worth then perhaps send for them to help him out with something. If they don't leave a good impression he may even have the arrested.
Tomorrow: Temple to Sircarius in Bloodhelm

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