Monday, January 14, 2013

Jannesh the Spice Merchant

Jannesh, who never really wanted to settle down and have a family, thought the life a spice merchant would be the best way to please not only his family but get to see the world as well.  He could marry who every his family chose for him, be gone for long stretches of time, and see everything he wished.  Things sort of turned out the way he wanted.

Jannesh is an average sized man, with dark, black hair, almost blue.  He wears a neatly trimmed mustache and beard, despite being from the warmer part of Taina.  His brown eyes twinkle with amusement most of the time and his face, though not to die for, his pleasant to look upon.  He wears sturdy clothes meant for traveling, though when selling his wares he dresses in the finest attires.

Jannesh married a lovely girl named Serena, who thus far has born him three fine sons and two daughters.  He has actually come to love her in his own way, but can never stay for more then a few weeks with her and the family before he feels the urge to be off again.  He gathers spices from everywhere, most of the time personally by going to the actual location they are grown.  He trades for gold, but just as often trades for trade goods that will sell for a high price where ever he is going for the spices.

The twist in his life is that he has been recruited to spy for House Pathfinder, even though he isn't from a House, per say.  He is good at what he does because he is so friendly and open so people just open up to him.  He doesn't actually fear for his life, because he doesn't delve that far into the business of other places, but does worry that House Pathfinder may someday find no use for him and rid of him.

Characters in your campaign may meet him at an inn or on the road, willing to share a rumor or two.  He might also  hire them on as guards for his merchant trains, as well.

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