Thursday, January 3, 2013

Taylor the Stable Boy

Taylor was an orphan at a very young age, somewhere around 3 or 4.  His parents both died of a winter fever that swept through Bloodhelm that year.  He finally wandered out of his home because he was hungry and scared and probably would have been snatched up by slavers or worse if Master Carden hadn't been out for supplies that day.  Not normally a soft man, Carden was in a dark spot with the recent loss of his own wife and child and tried to find Taylor's family.  When he found them he took in the boy as his own.

Taylor is not a large lad and probably will never be a big man, but he loves being a stable hand and it's assumed he will some day take Master Carden's place as the stable master of House Bloodhelm.  He has blond hair, dark blue eyes and a smile that won't quit.  His clothes are sturdy and well cared for, since Carden is in the employ of a House.  Though he stays with Carden in his small cabin, Taylor loves to sleep in the barn with "his" favorite horses.

During the time of the High King's Sword if the party has any dealing with House Bloodhelm they may come in contact with him.  Also, he runs errands for Master Carden in town so he may be seen there as well.

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