Thursday, January 10, 2013

Outfits of Martapa Part 2

Not to feel left out, let's discuss elves and dwarves and their clothes.

1)Dwarves usually wear stout woolen clothes with leather harnesses and belts, as well as leather boots.  Colors vary on clan colors, so anywhere in the dwarven cities are bright and beautiful with color.  All dwarves that can get around, whether from the very young to the very old, have a weapon of some sort upon their bodies, even if it's only a little dagger.

2)Elves dress in either mute colors or bright, joyful colors.  There is no in between.  They wear hunting leathers if they are scouts and Clan Warriors.  They wear fine, shear silks if they are city dwellers.  Few, except scouts and Warriors, carry weapons upon their person and when they do, a lot of them are more ornamental then functional.  Most elves match their cloth color to their hair color.

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