Monday, October 29, 2018

The Mystery of the Sea Door Part 4

So, lets say that the group has found the "key" through adventure or some reward and now they would like to use the "key".  Here is where the adventure begins.  I would highly recommend this for a mid to high level group, but you can always scale monsters down, or out, if you really have a reason for lower level characters to run this dungeon.

Here is the flavor text for the door itself and the opening of the door.

In an alcove of a sand stone and granite is a door of immense height, large enough to allow an ogre to pass through with ease. The door before you is covered in a gilded sun surrounded by stars, which sparkle in the right light.  In the center is a depression that fits the key the group holds.  As the key slides into place, a light engulfs the stars and sun, causing the stars to literally move around the door, as if turning the key in place.  With a large 'pop' the door opens letting stale air flow out along with dust and sand.  The darkness beyond betrays no secrets, but the echo which resounds back to the group says the hallway goes for some distance.

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