Friday, February 5, 2021

Day One...

 If you are familiar with Disney's Mulan, Chi-Fu doesn't really want Li-Shang to succeed.  So his comment after the huge rice fight is to say, "Day one..." with an arrogant tone.  As I stare at my outline I feel like I'm staring at my own personal Chi-Fu, that he is ready to send off his scathing report on me for not getting further, faster on my companion book.

But I am ready to tell my own Chi-Fu to just take a hike.  I have to realize, and so should all of you working on your books, that you can't get it all done in one day.  That inspiration comes when it comes, that you will write when the the thoughts come to you.  If you force it, it won't feel natural and may not be as good as you would like it to be.

I think my point is, yes, get your butt in the seat before your computer, (or notebook or scrap of paper) and try to write.  But don't be hard on yourself if you don't write Homer's Iliad in one hour.  Just take what you can get.  Maybe it's just some editing. Maybe it's an outline.  Maybe it's a little research.  It all gets you moving in the right direction and is progress.

Don't give up on yourself and keep writing!

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