Friday, February 19, 2021

What is the Point of My Source Book?

 Alright, so we've determined that we want a source book for our series.  Many fine book series, like Lord of the Rings, the Dragonriders of Pern, and even Dragonlance have sourcebooks to allow their readers see more of their world, but they all do it from a different take.

What is your take?  Are you trying to just give a step by step view of your world?  Are you setting up for the use in a roleplaying game?  Or even just to fill in what you couldn't in the book?  Or even all of these?

To help you pinpoint what you want to put in you need to know your goal.  Myself, I plan as an exploration of my world as well as the ability for someone to use it in any roleplaying system.  My husband and I use to roleplay every weekend, (before kids and tons of volunteering), and were starting to again, before the Covid.  The ability to have another world to roleplay in would be awesome.  I don't need a new system, we can use what ever one we want and adapt.  But without a backbone to work with, it would be hard to game in my world.  Roleplayers like a good handle on what they are playing in and with.

So my advice is decide what your goal is before you begin, so you know what information may or may not need to be in your source book!

Keep on writing!

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