Monday, February 1, 2021

How Should I Have My Book Edited?

So you are getting close to finishing up and self publishing.  That is very exciting! But maybe you should have someone who didn't write it, look it over.  If you are publishing with a publishing house, they will have staff to do this for you, but for the self publisher, you are on your own.

Here are some suggestions to help you on your way:

1) Ask friends and family members to look it over.  This is okay for catching spelling mistakes, layouts that just don't look good, or for, "hey, why didn't you add this", kind of things.  For actual constructive criticism this may not be good.  Unless you have a relationship like my husband and I where we are use to giving each other constructive criticism and not feeling offended, this may not be the best idea.  As much as you want your book published, losing a relationship is not worth it.

2) Join a critique group.  This can be fun and very rewarding.  Early on, when I was taking classes, I joined the local writing guild and started attending meetings. While there, they had an option to sign up for groups and I found a marvelous group of very opiniated ladies with very diverse backgrounds and writing styles.  I learned a lot and got a lot of good, constructive feed back.  I'm hoping I gave some back, as well.  Plus, we had a potluck each time we got together, so that was good, as well.

3) Pay for someone to look at it.  Again, English majors at your local college would work, but there are professional editors that will charge by the hour or page.  This is an option, but does cost money.  Check with your local writing guild, because they will have a list of local editors.  Not nearly as much fun as critique group, but if you are an introvert, this probably would work for you.

Keep on writing!

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