Monday, February 8, 2021

Expand That Outline!

 So you have your generic outline?  Good on you.  What is the next step after that?  Well, I suggest you slowly expand on that outline.

If you started like myself, you had what you wanted to have in each chapter.  Basically, I wrote the chapter name and a few brief notes about what I would like in each chapter.  Now lets take that basic idea and expand upon it.  Here's my example.  (Bare in mind, I'm not a professional, but sometimes you just need a little jump start to get you going!)

My chapter 7, theoretically, will be about the major groups which play a part in the my world of Martapa.  The following is all I initially wrote down:  Find the groups in my notes and make sure they are all in my list.  From there, I've written down the major groups in a list like below.

Knights of Tridon

Blades of Janesh

Wizards of Shaniko

The Kin

Wolf Warriors

The Crystal Brigade

The Northern Alliance

Snowbird’s Spellblades

Society of the King

The Hand

Disciples of the Gods

Saber’s Blades

The Shadow Gaurdians

After that, I added a few notes for what I needed to do next:

Need to describe each group, what they stand for, who is usually found there, even a few major NPCS that would be found in the leadership or in the ranks.

It's just a little expansion, but it's a start.  Everything about writing is steps.  Don't overwhelm yourself and try to do it all in one sitting.  Granted, if you can do that, good for you!  For the rest of us mere mortals, we need to take it in steps.

My next step would be to hit highlights of each group, then flush out each group completely. I say that knowing that you might decide to change something halfway through your list and that way you haven't wasted a lot of time filling out each one, then just have to go back in change it. (Granted, that will probably happen as well 😂)

And if you are just writing a campaign for roleplaying, this is a good way to start, as well.  You may not fill out the details quite as thoroughly as someone writing a book, but it's the same idea.  Don't overwhelm yourself trying to make the best adventure ever.  It will come to you and may, (and will) change over time!

Keep on writing!

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