Friday, January 7, 2022

The Power of Weather

 When you are writing, the setting and mood are very important to the scene.  This includes the weather.  You never get bad news when it's sunny.  The hero always has a brilliant sunrise as they save the world. When the lovers must leave each other, rain is always an option.  It sets the mood in a way that describing the mood would not work.

I wouldn't use the weather as a mood setter unless you really need to convey a certain mood, such as tension or a great loss, but it never  hurts to describe the weather briefly so your reader doesn't expect something horrible or wonderful every time you mention the weather.  It gives it an air of surprise.

I like to mention things like wind before a battle or interaction.  The wind, for example, will affect how arrows fly or items flying into people as they battle. It's a small thing, but adds to the feel without jumping out and saying, "hey, it's super windy and it's going to make it hard for them to win this battle".

Darkness, because of clouds or rain, can also add to the mood.  When the group is battling at the end of my series this weather adds to the dire nature of the situation.  And as they win and Aiyana uses the magic to heal so many upon the battle field the sun begins to push through the darkness.  It adds to the mood, as well.

Just think hard on not only the setting, but the weather as well, and I think you will have a better way to express the  mood of your scene.

Happy writing!

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