Friday, January 14, 2022

The Second Book and Putting Yourself Out There

 So as I spout about making sure to keep on writing, I have been working on my second book to polish it up for publication.  Almost there, just a few editing problems and my cover artist... (cough, college age daughter, cough) is a little busy at the moment.  But the plan is to have it on Amazon by May.  Every time I say, "I'm going to publish my book" I feel very self conscious.  I'm not sure how all of you feel, but here are some notions that have crossed my mind.

1) This is my baby and I want everyone to love it.  Let's be practical, not everyone is going to "love" your book.  You are going to get some bad reviews, but it's okay.  What did mom say, "words will never hurt you"?  It's hard to take criticism, but it is good. It helps you improve.  If nothing else, my critique groups helped me with this concept.

2) Don't beat yourself up if you don't become a super star.  For me, this was all a bucket list sort of thing, anyway.  Yes, the book taking off would be wonderful, but I will take the fact I actually sold some books.  And they weren't all relatives! I even sold a few Kindle copies to people overseas!  My husband calls me an international author because of it.

3) Promote yourself.  I am guilty of not doing this, but that is what my husband, (and fellow Grange members), is for.  But seriously, talk about your book.  It isn't bragging, it's letting the world know that you have made something new to share with the world.  Your book following will not grow if you don't talk about it.

Happy Writing!

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