Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Stone Bed of Sleep

This sounds comfortable, right?  The Stone Bed of Sleep was made to let people who were deathly ill to sleep in a sort of hibernation until someone of magical strength could come and help them.  The people of Janesh had at least one of these in each village, town or city, so those who could be helped with a little healing, could be helped.  The Bed is magically enchanted to put a person in stasis for however long they are upon the bed.  This could be minutes are years.  Though capable of saving a person's life, not every person wanted it used upon them and chose to die from their wounds or illness.  It can not cure anything and if the person is dead, the bed will not bring them back to life.

The mechanics of this item is simply a stasis spell, (or the roleplaying systems equivalent) cast upon the stone bed and anyone who is placed upon the bed is placed in the stasis spell.  The cost is enormous, as is the magical cost.  Don't let your players just make one of these everywhere they go.  It takes blood from a dragon or other magical creature, as well as months of magical incantations by mages or healers.

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