Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Bard College of Calabay

This wonderful college in Calabay is mentioned many times in my books, because Kenna hopes to one day go there.  Here is a small tour of the college.

The college is set in one of the older keeps which once housed House Calabay, overlooking the sea.  It has a hundred rooms for students and teachers, twelve large and twenty small class rooms and a huge courtyard.  There is dinning hall, kitchen, ballroom and servants' quarters, as well.  An old dungeon serves as storage for manuscripts and instruments, temperature controlled by magic.  There is always a dozen or more masters on hand, along with double that in journeymen and at least forty apprentices at any given time.  Not only does the college teach about music, but they are charged, by the House of Calabay, to teach the basics of reading, writing, and history, along with mathematics to any child in the area who wishes it, whether rich or poor.  If this is not done, then Calabay will no longer pay the college, money the college desperately needs.  Classes if this nature are usually taught by journeymen.

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