Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Trampling Elephant

The Trampling Elephant is a round, three story building with a large stables behind, along with a large open area for trading wagons.  On a main road for wagon traders, the building has sweeping columns and beautiful arches, painted in a bright white to attract attention.  Murals in both tile and paint decorate the whole of the building, with brightly colored attendants at the door and working the tavern.  The first floor has a tavern with very fine food from all over the Empire and from Tridon.  There is a bath off to one side, easily accessed by the two upper floors without having to go through the tavern.  There is no place for a stage but entertainers do grace the tavern on occasion.  The upper stories have rooms big enough for three people each, with one suite on the third floor.  Each room has a hearth, though they are magically enchanted so fire is not an issue.  The rooms are dressed in bright colors and magical music to soothe you to sleep is available on request.

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