Friday, January 15, 2021

How Should My Cover Look?

If you are having your book professional published, some art director will figure this out for you and you might have little choice on how it looks, (but good on you for snagging a publisher!).  But if you are on your own and self publishing, it is up to you.  There are several steps to look at before deciding on what you want.

The first, what or who should be on the front?  Do you want a stylistic cover?   A map of your world? A main character?  A mixture of everything?  This seems like such a small step, but this is what going to catch a reader's eye.  Depending on your genre, you can do a myriad of things.  For science fiction, space battles are always eye catching.  Ideally, I'd love an Elmore painting for mine, but since I can't, I will rely on my awesome daughter.

For example, I'm thinking the map of my world faded in the background with my group of ragtag heroes in the front, in a not so perfect group "photo".  (Think rabbit ears.)

The next, how do I get the picture done?  Do I hire an artist?  Do I use stock art on KDP or what ever platform I'm using?  Do I try my hand at art?  (And you might be good, so don't discredit this idea!)  As I've mentioned, my daughter is pretty darn good at art. She's self taught, not completely polished, but where else can you get a cover drawn for the promise of more paint and a batch of chocolate chip cookies? (Well, the cookies worked when she was younger...).  I know not everyone is so lucky, so why not reach out to local High School art programs?  The kiddos there are always looking for a few extra bucks and art teachers love for them to be focused.  Also contact local artist guilds, if your area has one.  Or network with fellow writers who might have an idea where to find a good, and reasonably priced, cover artist.

Lastly, make sure it fits in the cover space of your publishing platform.  I'm in the process of using KDP and they do not make it easy to use your own pictures.  Just know what you are getting into before you start the whole process of finding a picture.  I'm not giving up, but it definitely is going to take some time.

Happy Writing!

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