Monday, January 4, 2021

The Start of a New Year

 Like everyone else, I've made some resolutions for the year, many of them having to do with writing.  I'm almost done with setting up my self published book.  My cover artist, *cough, cough, awesome daughter, cough, cough* is helping me make the cover picture fit the cover then I'm on the way.  So maybe I'll get that resolution out of the way, about 3 years late, but, hey, at least I'm getting there.  

My big resolution for writing this year is to work on a source book for my world.  So twice a week, I plan to share my progress here and hope I can keep up with my writing.

Hopefully you have some good resolutions for the coming year and one I hope we all share is to rid of this stupid Covid mess!

Keep writing!

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