Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Clan Warriors of Martapa

So by far my favorite group of people, they are little used in my High King's Sword series. They are alluded to with cameo appearances by Miyaca Snowbird and another Clan Warrior which turns directions for Krom, my Akicitia warrior, but they are not the focus of this set of books.

There are seven Clans of Warriors, all overseen by the God Targon, since he is also the protector of elves, along with the God of Magic. Clan Warriors are always elves, but they may protect any race if they are deemed important to Martapa. The goal of all Clan Warriors is to protect someone important to elven society or to the world. Kings, Queens and those who's destiny shines bright. The Warrior gives their live to protect the person, giving up freedom and family to see that person lives to accomplish what they must. Sometimes things work out well to where the Clan Warrior protects a family member or someone they like and know well. Not all Clan Warriors find a "charge" so they assist other Clan Warriors if the need arises. If a Clan Warrior needs aid other Clan Warriors are obliged to give said aid if it is in their ability and does not endanger their own "charge".

The seven Clans are Wolf, Pegasus, Griffin, Unicorn, Lion, Lynx, and Dragon Clans. The elves can come from anywhere, but for the most part the Lion, Lynx and Unicorn Clans are in Ariella and the others are in the north. To help them they were also bonded with special mounts who chose them. Originally it was an animal of the Clan name, but as the dragons began to decline and Clans began to disappear only the unicorns remained (this would be around the time Shaniko is trying to take over the world). After the War of the Gods unicorns, griffins, and pegasi are used by most of the Clans that return from the brink.

Each Clan Warrior has a necklace which they give to their charge when they feel a magical bond develop between themselves and their charge. Sometimes this bond develops overtime or comes in rush in a hectic situation. Some Clan Warriors do this in the form of their Clan animal, remembering little until they see their necklace upon the person. People are proud to wear the necklace and often are the subject of envy.

Clan Warriors can use magic as well as melee and ranged weapons well. It's a hodgepodge of magic: a little defensive, offensive and healing. Half-elves rarely become Warriors, but it has been known to happen. These elves live outside the caste system and are revered by all.

So for roleplaying purposes you may have to make a class for this, or a fighter/mage/priest might work. The spells I had originally given them was shield, speed (or haste), blind, flight, light, strength, healing, charge, darkness, summoning a sword, ice, pain, climb, and summon dragon (this last is only for the most devote and powerful Warriors). So as you see it isn't a lot of spells, but you could work in new spells if you want (Personally I'm working on rearranging some of them now that I've been exposed to more magic since I wrote my original series. In my books these are power words (for those who played 2nd edition D&D) and require no casting time, thus why I would stick with about this number of spells if you do power words. Clan Warriors should be able to use a bow and a melee weapon, but only has to be specialized in one (yes, I know you can't specialize if you multiclass in D&D. Bend the rules...) They can ride a mount of some sort (though they do not have to have bonded mount if this will overbalance your campaign). These elves can also speak High King's speech along with elven. Only Elves of the Sunstar line may have red hair. So if they must be from this prestigious line, most likely they will be a Wolf Clan Warrior, but they could be from the Clan Leader descendants in other Clans if need be.
Tomorrow: Black Wizards of Shaniko

1 comment:


Wow! You continue to created such a beautiful, complex world I can't wait to see how you tie it altogether into a novel.

The ages and history feel like Mitchner's historical novels- multiple stories that interlink, each a separate story that feeds into the next.

My only fantasy world experience is Tolkein, but this is so much richer and involved.

Keep up the good work.