Monday, August 9, 2010

The Crystal Brigade

The Crystal Brigade is an elite group of Knights who have proven themselves true to Peter's ideals. These brave Knights serve as protection between Tridon and the realm of the Black Wizards of Shaniko because there is no High King to gather and send troops to the border.

Noshi Bluecrystal took it upon herself to defend her country and asks all those who are part of the Northern Alliance to send aid. These brave men and women (for the Northern Houses allow women amongst the ranks of Knights) fight ogres, Kin, and minotaurs. The weather is hard and unforgiving in the mountains. These crack fighters lose more people to long falls and frostbite then the numerous ogres and the like.

The Brigade also employs Spellblades, mages, and thieves to act as scouts, magical firepower and infiltrators. Most of these are common stalk, but the Northern Houses don't discriminate by class. Whole mobile camps of cooks, blacksmiths, healers and camp followers support them.

This is a group which would be an excellent jump off point for beginning characters. They could be support staff, children of those at the front, or even scouts. I would not allow them to be Knights but squires might work. Give players who work with the Crystal Brigade survival and fire building skills for free if your system allows such things.
Tomorrow: Miyaca's Spellblades

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