Monday, August 30, 2010

Houses of Tridon, Part VII

The House of Goldleaf was founded by Ryan Goldleaf who was a good friend, a fine warrior, and the son of herb farmers. The village which would one day become the House of Goldleaf was easily defended and produced fine herbs that are loved around all of Tridon, so Ryan chose it.

The coat of arms for Goldleaf is a gold colored oak leaf with a sword through top of leaf. The House colors are blue and gold.

Goldleaf is dead center of the northern coast of Tiana. The time and distance between Bloodhelm and Goldleaf is quite the distance and is the original reason the transportation circles were created (more on this little find later). 90 days of long travel are required to reach there from Bloodhelm.

In the time of the High King's Sword the population is 200,000 (though it is less in the summer as people go out to hunt, trap, and farm). It unsafe during the winter months not to leave in large population areas because of the weather and because of monsters and the Black Wizards. Most are humans, but dwarves and half-elves are a good chunk of the population. Goldleaf imports foodstuff, textiles and livestock. They export, gold, silver, gems, platinum, herbs, elven and dwarven goods.

The House of Goldleaf is the primary producer of minerals and gems and thus the reason for a large resident dwarf population. There is a large contingent of Knights here as well as militiamen to protect the mines. All caravans from here leave with at least 3 squads of Knights. Lord Ryan the second is a sound manager of Goldleaf, as was his father before him. His twelve children include 4 knights, 3 mages, two healers, and one sage in training. His wife Elaine is the twin sister of Madeline Merryweather (of course this is soon after the founding of Tridon. In the time of the High King's Sword, Cailus Goldleaf is the Leader of Goldleaf after the death of his two oldest brothers and father to an attack of ogres and undead where he nearly lost his life as well.)

The common alignments here are Chaotic Good, Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral.

The noble Houses of Goldleaf number 7: Sage, Rosemary, Steelhammer, Gemfinder, Stonegrinder, Coppersmith, and Hunter.

In the time of High King's Sword they are the strongest supporter of the Northern Alliance.

Roleplaying Tip of the Week: Colored Pencils are a wonder. Yeah, maps are great. I love them. But, hey, is that forest or hills? Mountain or stream? Coloring a map with color coding or even a forest green and plains brown really helps and cut down on the questions on the map.
Tomorrow: Weatherworn

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