Monday, July 8, 2013

Armetrius, Caravan Guard

Armetrius has always been a quiet guy.  Not that he is stupid or slow, he just doesn't have a lot to say.  He likes to observe what is happening around him then proceed from there.  He looks for the best time to act or not act at all.  Thus he is a favorite amongst the caravans, known as a fair man who will work hard for the money he is given.  As captain of any caravans he will take no guff and won't allow people to slack off.  He takes a firm hand with his mercenaries or guards under him, but he is fair.

Armetrius is around six and a half feet tall, dark skin, black hair he keeps braided and he is broadly built.  He prefers mute colors and wears a well cared for set of mail.  He uses two short swords or a longsword with a shield, depending on the situation. He can be found pretty much anywhere on Taina, usually with a merchant caravan.

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