Monday, July 22, 2013

Sorathen, Scholar and Mage

Sorathen would like nothing better then the world to go away so he could be at peace with his piles and piles of book.  This older gentlemen, of long greying beard and not so well kept robes loves knowledge.  He doesn't actually use any of it, he just like to have it.  He scours bizarres and libraries in other cities for magical and historical knowledge he doesn't have.  He lives at the Mage Guild in Bloodhelm, teaching history and magical theory to earn his keep, but his true love is finding new knowledge.  He pays adventurers well for any new book they may find which appears from a good source and is something he doesn't already have.  This last may prove challenging, but does happen.  He'll either buy the book or scroll or ask to pay a lesser fee to copy it.  He pays well, especially since he doesn't spend any of his stipend on anything but books he doesn't have.  He can be found at the Mage Guild in Bloodhelm or at random bizarres and libraries through Tridon.

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