Monday, July 29, 2013

Noshi Bluecrystal

Noshi Bluecrystal started as a small doodle in my work notebook as I sat watching tree planters.  A bubbly lady with curly, black hair which hangs to her waist.  Her complexion is pale, almost porcelain white, with brown eyes that can beguile almost everyone.  A gypsy waif, or so she thought, she traveled the country side with her uncle selling their wares.  Her life is turned upside down with the death of her uncle and she starts on quite the adventure with Sebastion Blackthorne, Miyaca and Shadizar Snowbird and Derangos the dwarf.  In the end she finds she is the last living heir to Varanath and becomes lady of the House after many trials and tribulations. 

In the time of the High King's Sword she is nearing seventy, though she looks like a woman half her age.  Her hair is slightly streaked with gray and her son now rules Varanath in all but name, which works just fine with him.  She is a bubbly woman, who sees the bright side of everything, but she is still a practical woman.  She can cast magic of some powerful means, which is true of most Varanath heirs, and could use a longsword very well.  Varanath and Noshi side with the True High King, and  she has taken to mothering Cailus nearly as much as you mothers her own Daniel.

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