Thursday, July 25, 2013

The King's Council

The High King, if there is one, rules from Stormvale, a city not within a House.  Stormvale is independent of all other Houses, because the High King rules all of Tridon, not just the area of a single House.  But the High King needs help from time to time, and thus has a Council to help him make decisions, (if he is so inclined to listen to them, though he doesn't have to).

The Council is made up of all the House Leaders, the head of Council of Priests, the head of the Council of Mages and the head of the Bard College, Warrior College and the head of the druids.  Usually the people upon the Council do not change often, but sometimes there is totally upheavals which throws the Council into disarray.

The High King asks for help in matters of state, such as going to war or major trade agreements, but ultimately the High King is still in charge.  His word is law.  Being on the Council is an honor with perks.  People who have the King's ear tend to be able to elicit favors more easily.

In game, the characters may have to sit in on a Council meeting as a squire or even as a guest of one of the Colleges.  This should only happen if the characters are very important (aka very high level) or if the High King needs them for some mission his normal troops can not do.

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