Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Calabay, Pre House Status

I've been focusing mostly on the time of the High King's Sword, but as a GM you may want to do some adventuring well before that.  Let's start with Calabay.  It was once nothing more then a fishing village, with goat herders and some rough farming.  Picture Ireland with goats instead of sheep.  The village itself was perched on a cliff above a natural bay, with a natural wind break of stone.  About two dozen families lived there, most were fisherman, while the older boys would herd the goats and the women would spin the wool and try to farm.  (Yes, there are goats who have spinnable wool.)  The houses were made of wood and stone, only one level high with a loft for the children to sleep in.  The one floor had a spot for a fireplace, bed for mom and dad, and an open area to sit and do repair work or spin during the harsh weather.  Usually there was a cellar to store food and other supplies during the rough winter.  They did get quite a bit of snow, being so far north, so boats were always hauled out of the water in the winter.  (These weren't great sailing ships like they have in the time of the Chosen and the High King's Sword.)  The people of the village are wary of people they don't know, but if they like a person they make them feel right at home.

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