Monday, December 2, 2013

Toranna, the Carvan Master

Merchants make the world of Martapa tick.  Without them, there would be no great wealth in the world and merchants are quite aware of this.  And in an age where mages can move some things from place to place, good old caravans are still needed.  Caravans can range in size from a few wagons to a few dozen.  Toranna is the master of one of the largest, and most successful, caravans on Martapa.

Toranna is in her mid thirties, a stout human, rough faced and serious.  She takes care of her wagons and people as if they are her children.  She pays her drivers and guards well, knows them all by name and assures them that if they fall to brigands their families will get their pay.  She has transported everything from simple food stuffs to silks from the east.  No matter the cargo, she takes her job seriously.  She is always looking for people to protect her caravan, but she won't just take anyone.  A person has to earn her trust.  She was married once, but he died, tragically when the caravan was attacked by ogres.  The caravan is all she has now and despite the fact she could retire five times over to some nice, safe place she continues to lead her caravan all over Tridon.

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