Friday, June 22, 2012

Problem Players

My whole family likes to roleplay.  It gets us together.  We talk about the day as the GM (whom ever it might be that week) is getting his monsters in a row.  We have fun playing our characters.  But I know that not all roleplaying groups have such a good time with all of their players.

Here are some of my suggestions to deal with problem players.

1) First off, talk to your player out of ear shot of the other players.  Talk to them about what ever the behavior issue is. (Bad mouthing other players, not following the rules about snacks, using inappropriate language.)  Tell them why you would like them to stop and tell them they are still wanted if they can change the behavior.  Sometimes people don't even realize they are doing things like this and are more then willing to change the behavior if someone tells them in a non-threatening way.

2)If talking in private doesn't work, start dinging them during the game.  If they are stealing all the loot (it's been known to happen) suddenly some of it is cursed.  If they keep bad mouthing a player character (or the player) suddenly the largest man in town wants to take him or her on.  Sometimes picking on their character will get the point across more then talking to them.

3) Have the group talk to them.  If the private talk won't work, maybe peer pressure will.

4) As a last resort you may have to ask the person not to return.  With kids I can't have people who swear and talk about male/female interactions in detail at the table.  (These can happen with just adult people presence, but you have to be considerate of all those at the table.)  If a person can't change their habits and they mentally harm others in the group, no one is going to have fun.  Make sure it is fine with the whole group, but as the GM you take soul responsibility for who sits at your table.

Happy Gaming.

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