Thursday, June 28, 2012

Trolls of Martapa

Everybody has heard of trolls under the bridge and nearly every culture has their version of a troll.  Well, here is mine.

Trolls are semi-intelligent, above animal intelligence but not to the point of humans or even ogres.  They stand around seven foot tall, are skinny, covered in fur and have tusks of varying lengths and colors.  Fur color can be green to blue, though some yellow and bronze have been seen.  The men have a topknot of hair, while females actually have full heads of hair.  Both keep knick-knacks (such as rocks and bones) in them.

They live in two types of groups.  One is the roving male pack.  These are usually younger males who have not found a "herd" of females yet and go from herd to herd trying to gain their own by challenging the males.  Rarely do they break into a herd, but if they do they usually kill all the children under a certain age, along with all the adult males.  Women are kept as prizes.

The other type is a family "herd".  This usually consists of several generations of females, their children, and two to five males, depending on the size of the herd.  The strongest male leads, though the others help him keep the herd.

Trolls live in crude lean-tos or caves.  They wear crude leathers, hunt game animals with crude spears, and live off berries and roots.  They can be taught to do more complex tasks, but it takes time.  They do not like humanoids of any type (they barely like each other) and will attack them on sight.

In game terms they should have the highest possible strength and constitution (and, yes, they should regenerate in some way), but their intelligence and wisdom should be at a bare minimum.  They should have survival (though you might want to give them a bonus because of low intelligence/wisdom) and tracking.  Hit points should be at the highest die type possible and can be scaled to fit your campaign level, though they should be at least one hit die higher then the players.

Happy Gaming!

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