Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Richard's Armor and Leathers

This fine store in Bloodhelm is a newer addition.  The building was once used to store feed, but the business went under.  Richard is not a blacksmith or a leatheworker, but buys from distant armor smith of renown and sells their gear at a mark up to those with discerning taste.  His prices are one and a half times the listed book price but the armor is always good quality.

Richard is a middle aged human, dresses in standard affair for a merchant in Bloodhelm, and doesn't overspend.  He is courting a young woman at one of the local taverns and hopes to ask for her hand soon.  Any help in this department may endear the customer to Richard.

Richard loves tales of valor and heroics so he might give a good discount to those who know how to spin a good tale for him.

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