Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Barter System

Though all gaming, and story, worlds have money, the lower class usually deals in bartering, not hard coin.  Here are some simple things to remember when your characters are bartering with NPCs:
1) They have to offer something of similar value.  If the character wants to buy a horse, even a plow horse, a water skin of wine or a simple blanket isn't going to cut it.  Check the prices in the equipment list and compare.
2) This doesn't mean the NPCs won't try and cheat the PCs.  If the player thinks its a good deal, who are you to disagree with them.
3) Even large items, like magic or homes, can be bartered for.  In the case of magic items, maybe the person holding it may want the group to go do some task in exchange for it.
4) Be reasonable.  Don't let your characters get away with murder.  They can't exchange something for a title (like being King) or for relics.  That would break your campaign in no time!

Happy Gaming.

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