Friday, June 4, 2010

Aiyana, Goddess of Love

Aiyana is the Goddess of Love and Innocence. Often she is called the Innocent or the Child. It isn't because she is naive but it is because she is so joyful and full of love. She is the protector of all things innocent and love which is completely pure. She fights against hatred and corrupt use of love. Sometimes, if a loves pure and innocent she will bless the couple with a long and happy life together. She is my most used minor God and important in many of my plots and subplots in not only my High King's Sword series, but my earlier attempts at stories as well. She prefers to be a dark skinned, dark haired beauty who is young and naive in appearance, right down to the white gossamer robes. Her favorite avatar is Elizabeth Caprin, a gypsy girl who is constantly searching for a perfect, innocent love.

Some generic roleplaying information is as follows: Her Mages wear a symbol of a unicorn, sometimes accompanied by a rainbow. Their robes are long and flowing and often the women bare flowers in their hair. They train in the staff, but often do not carry them.

Alignment (If your system calls for it) is Neutral Good. She breaks some laws to keep the innocents protected, but on the whole she is a force for good.

Aiyana created sprites.

Aiyana's followers include young lovers, gypsies, and romantic bards.

Her Mages are charged with protecting innocents and spreading love, though not carnal love. Their places of worship are usually bright and cheerful with lots of gardens. It is said only those of good or in love can enter the temples.

Roleplaying tip of the day: So when you are creating your own pantheon of Gods don't be shy about looking at the Greek or Roman Pantheon for inspiration. See what sort of Gods and Goddesses abound there and they will help you gain a frame work for your own Pantheon. After that, add your own Gods to suite your needs.
Monday: Furere, God of Storms

1 comment:


What an incredible concept- to create a character that an "author/gamer" can plug into their tale. I admit that I know nothing of the mystical, dragon filled, magical dungeon worlds that fill the lives of so many.

As a fellow author, I love to create characters that will intrigue my readers. This is a whole new world of characterization.

Keep up the good work.

James Burke