Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Humans of Martapa, Part VII

The humans of Ariella are just as diverse as those in the north, though culturally they are probably more homogeneous. The eastern 3/4 of Ariella is ruled by the Empire of Ariella and the tall, proud people who are the descendants of a expedition from the west. They are black skinned, black hair with brown or black eyes. They stand a little taller then the average human on Taina. They wear togas, with pallas defining those of the upper crust and of the military, or simple, no sleeve dresses for the woman, with pallas of their own.

The military wear short togas with chain skirts, plate breastplate, with sturdy greaves and bracers. They also wear the typical Roman Legionnaire helmets, right down to the plume (we like to call them crested cara-caras...lol). They wear sandals, since it is warm down in Ariella, which lace up to the knee.

The people of the Empire are very religious, taking especial care to honor Catiana and Targon. They will feel insulted if a God is slighted in any way and will challenge the person right then and there if they feel it is that bad of an insult.

Families can vary in size, but male children are prized over female children (not that families don't love the female children, the male children carry on name and family pride). Usually only the core family lives together, though extended families live close.

The one big difference between this part of the world and others is the Empire keeps slaves (just like the Romans). Their entire commerce is based on this structure and what allows them to expand to other areas.

The people of the Empire are patterned after the Roman Empire, with every man over the age of 18 having to spend 2 years in service of the Emperor. So all men over this age have some weapons training. Classes which would be appropriate for this regions would be warriors, clerics, mages who tend toward the battle aspects versus research, and rangers who work as scouts. Strategy is paramount to the people of the Empire and all those serving in the military have had some training in strategy, so think about that and a weapon proficiency for a free or reduced cost for your characters. If you want to change from a mainstream human I would give Constitution and Strength, but take from Wisdom or Charisma (this because they are blunt and to the point, not that they are uglier)

The other humans of Ariella are small pockets of humans who are olive skinned, lithe, smaller then the average human, and have dark hair and eyes. They dress in poofy pants and oversized, button up tunics with long sleeves, as well as sandals. They are a peaceful people who tend to meditate on the ways of the world and leave others to themselves. I would equate them to the East Indians in appearance. They are tiny, but wise about the world and their families are huge, with one couple having on average 7 children over their life times.

They would be ideal for mages, clerics, and monks (if your system has them). I would take from Strength, but add to Intelligence or Wisdom.

That is it for my humans. After I have described all the races briefly I will go back and do history for each race and subrace.
Tomorrow: Dwarves

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