Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vates, God of Bards

Vates is the God of Bards and Minstrels, spreading music and storytelling everywhere. Vates saves the knowledge of past people and stories of heroes long gone and shares them with the world. He is a merry soul who spreads cheer and joy where ever he goes. He dresses as a flashy young man of varying colors and always bares a lap harp or pair of pan pipes. His favorite avatar is Tristan Copperdragon, an instructor at the bard college in Calabay.

Some generic roleplaying information is as follows: His symbol is a gold harp. His Mages always know how to play an instrument and most know how to play the harp or pan pipes. They carry rapiers as their weapon of choice.

Vates alignment (if your system calls for this) is Chaotic Good. He brings joy and happiness but he is very chaotic in his actions.

Vates' followers include bards and minstrels.

Vates created satyrs.

Vates' Mages are to bring music and storytelling to the masses. They keep the histories and spread news. If a Mage is particularly brilliant at playing music Vates will personally come to visit the person while they play. Their temples are usually music guilds and places of historic learning.

Vates despises Dasa because she uses things of beauty and twists them. He has no love for Kahalla, but dotes on Aiyana, because with love, good music is sure to be around.

Roleplaying Tip of the Day: Know your players. Do they like fantasy? Space Operas? Do they like long drawn out plots or short and dirty plots? This will make a difference. The better you know your players preferences the better your game will be.
Tomorrow: Wesa, Goddess of Animals

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