Monday, October 14, 2013

Shatterax, Dwarven Mercenary

Standing a tall four foot tall, Shatterax is broad even for a dwarf.  He's almost twice as wide as a human and all muscle.  His hair is a dark brown, braided to his waist both front and back.  He ties prizes from previous battles in his hair, usually little metal charms from his foes or barring that, finger bones.  He fights with a two handed axe which was enchanted by a mage friend of his to protect him from poison and give him strength, as well as give him a better chance to hit his foe with his weapon.  He dresses in mix of leather armor, mail armor and plate shoulders.  He doesn't talk much, only when he needs to, but is a good fighter and knows what he's doing.  He likes mages and priests, doesn't quite understand druids, but holds disdain toward Knights, not understanding the notion of fighting for glory instead of gold.  He will help anyone but Wizards, for a price, but has been known to do his own notion of charity on occasion.

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