Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tips on How to Keep Writing

As I miss doing my blog this week because of a bump in my life I realize that I need to keep writing, no matter what, especially after said bump.  So here are some things which I'm going to start doing in my own life to keep doing what I love.

1) Give myself time.  As busy as my life is with two kids, a temp job, and a ton of volunteering that feels like a full time job, I realized I need to give myself time to write.  I've scheduled myself, (because I live and die by a schedule), an hour in the morning which I use for writing, editing and brain storming.  It doesn't always work, but it's there so I will at least try.

2) Get that idea on paper.  As I lay in the hospital awaiting my procedure I realized there was so many story ideas I hadn't even written down and that how would my kids ever know about them?  Even if you just jot the idea down it will feel good.  Maybe you will never get to the idea, but maybe someone in your family will.

3) Write where ever.  I keep a tablet with me pretty much where ever I go.  You never know when a good idea will hit and you'll have to write it down or forget it.  I suggest pulling over if you are driving when the idea hits. :)

4) The most important thing is don't let an opportunity pass you by.  Just because you think you will never get published, as a amateur genealogist I love to read my dad's stories and the histories my grandma wrote down.  Maybe nobody but family will read it, but it doesn't mean it's not worth the effort!

Happy writing!

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